Sunday, June 22, 2008

8: Edward's Dream

Edward saw a blur of dark dark images spinning through his head. He saw a castle with such size that it seemed no amount of human labor could construct it. Over it lie a dark cloud that stretched as far as the eye could see. Then he saw a man seated on a throne that hovered in the air as if it was weightless. The man had dark black eyes that penetrated Edwards flesh as he gazed into them. Long red hair flowed out of his iron crown and swayed as the cold breeze swept across his face. His face was totally pail, as if it had never witnessed sunshine. Then the image passed, and Edward saw nothing but dark colors swirling in mind-dazing pasterns. The color focused, and Edward saw a massive portal. It lie on a mountain that stretched miles into the sky. At the top blew a wind so ferocious that Edward sometimes lost sight of the portal that lied merely a few passes in from of him. Edward tired to walk forward and touch it, but he found himself unable to move, as if he were in some void. Once again the image passed and Edward was thrown into a endless spiral of dark colors.
Soon the colors and shapes arranged, and once again Edward saw the man seated in a thrown. Only this time the man spoke.
"Release me Edward, " said the man, "and together we can rule the world. No one could stand in our way."
Edward paused before he said, "You are the man Methuselah spoke of. Kelthisad. You are are evil! You doomed the fate of the dream spirits. For three hundred years you covered the land with darkness. And now you expect me to release you?!"
"You are deceived! Methuselah is the evil one. He betrayed us! He tried to take the throne himself!" Said Kelthisad.
"No, your wrong, Methuselah would never do such a thing!"
"Methuselah Lies! Did he fail to tell you that he, Farran at the time, was the one who killed me?" Said Kelthisad. Edward paused for awhile before Kelthisad continued. "And he destroyed me just so he could could have the throne for himself! But of course he was foolish, and ignorant of the fact that the entire nation would fall with me."
"I don't believe you," said Edward.
"Then perhaps I should show you." Edward passed into another whirl wind of unfocused shapes, utile his eyes focused and he saw Kelthisad quietly sleeping. Then he saw a familiar face silently open the door and walk towards Kelthisad. The face was young, but its identity was unmistakable; it was none other then Methuselah himself. Methuselah raised his dagger and stabbed Kelthisad straight through the heart. And upon the instant, Edward heard the entire race cry out in pain as the nation breathed its last. Edward was overwhelmed by the sound, and woke from the horrible nightmare.


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