Wednesday, July 2, 2008

15: Close Calls

Edith aimlessly strolled the barren dessert of dreams. The only instruction she was given was to find the Woman of the Hidden Stream, which she had no clue how to find. Nature proved to be a problem for Edith also, the blazing heat scorched her tong and drained her energy, and the heavily layered dress she wore didn't help matters. She considered taking it off but remembered that hundreds of the king's men were probably out looking for her. She settled upon awaiting until evening to continue her search. Finding a somewhat shaded area, Edith stopped to rest. She tried to throw all emotions aside and concentrate solely her mission. She had to find the Woman of the Hidden Stream soon, or she would starve.
"If only Methuselah was here. Oh! Why did he have to die! Why!" cried Edith as she fought the tears back. She felt hopeless as she stared into the sunset over the hills. Edith was about to lie down to rest when she saw a head pop up over a hilltop.
"Oh no, could father's men already find me?" she thought. But as the figure reached the top of the hill, Edith realized it wasn't one of the Kings men, he was far to old.
"Methuselah!" she cried as she ran towards the old man. "Methuselah! Its you! You're alive! Methuselah! Oh how glad I am to see you! Methuselah, Speak to me! Methuselah?" Methuselah smiled sympathetically. Edith ran to hug Methuselah, but her arms swiped right thought him. Again she tried, throwing her hole body into him. With nothing to catch her, she fell to the ground. Then the sun dropped behind the horizon, and Methuselah disappeared. Edith wept bitterly in her hands for a long time until she could weep no more. Eventually, she gained the strength to raise her head, and she saw a sign of hope. A small stream trickled at the foot of the hill.

Jard searched the remains of Methuselah's house looking for any pieces to the large puzzle he had to solve. He was soon was discouraged, however, because the place was destroyed even more thoroughly then he thought. He man who destroyed the place obviously wanted no evidence to survive. Jard was on the brink of total discouragement when, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted shreds of a white cloth tangled in a bush, just to the south of the hut. Jard went to grab it and found that it was part of a dress. Instantly, a thought curred to Jard.
"This is Edith's dress. Its not the old man they were after, it was Edith!" said Jard.
"You better go find her." Said a man.
"Edward?" Said Jard as he turned. "What did you do with her?! What?!" Cried Jard.
"Oh, I didn't touch her." Said Edward.
"Then why are you always here?"
"Same reason you are, to find the Princess. What nobler and more perfect quest then rescuing the Princess?" Said Edward.
"Then why is this house burned down and who tried to kill Edith?" said Jard.
"How would I know? All I know is the Princess is gone and I'm going to find her." replied Edward.
"Well I'm afraid you won't need to find her, because well, I am." said Jard.
"No, you see Jard, I already know where the princess is, I'm here because of you."
"What?" Said Jard confused.
"You see, I knew you would be here, I knew you would want to save the Princess, and I knew you would come here to find news. Only one man can save her Jard, you would only get in the way." said Edward menacingly as he drew his sword
"What? Edward, you can't be serious? Edward, don't!" cried Jard, but Edward ignored him.
"Please Edward! Stop!" said Jard as he was forced to draw his own blade.
"No Jard." said Edward, raising his sword. And so the battle began. Jard had the greater strength, but lacked the techniques and skills that Edward possessed. Also, Jard's weapon was of inferior craftsmanship compared to the knight, and wouldn't last forever. Edwards eyes blazed yellow as the battle raged. The two exchanged blows until both men gasped for breath. With a sudden burst of adrenalin, Jard ferociously battered Edward, pushing him back. Jard forced Edward to the wall and struck a blow that Edward would not be able to withstand.
Crack! Jard's sword broke in two as it struck Edward's. Edward retaliated with a quick swing at Jard, who barely lunged to the side. Edward quickly followed up his stroke with a powerful gauntleted punch at Jard's face. Despite his improved reflexes, Jard could not dodge it and toppled to the floor.
"Edward...what happened to you?" cried Jard as he lurched in pain.
"Huh, well I suppose I can tell you now." Edward sighed, then smiled as he reveled his plans. I'm not going to find Edith because I love her, I'll be plenty wealthy without her. No, its merely Methuselah's dagger she caries that I want. That was why I burned the house down and killed Methuselah. Methuselah needed to die, the man was evil and, fortunately very foolish. For he told me everything I needed to know to become King. You see, I had plans to take the throne before, but the news he brought far out did any of my plans. He told me how to release the greatest army the world has ever known; the dreams spirits. Now I will not just become King of the desert of dreams, but of the entire world. So, when I kill Edith, take the dagger, and—." Said Edward as he was cut off.
"Don't touch her!" Cried Jard, his head still throbbing.
"Haha, don't worry Jard, you'll be long dead anyways. Now where was I? Oh, the fool Kelthisad, king of the dream spirits. He thinks he's going to share the throne, but you see I'm just going to kill him the minute he comes back. Haha, fool. There can only be one king Jard, and its going to be me, but as for now, I think your time has come. Goodbye Jard." Said Edward, and he raised his sword to strike.
"Gahhhh!" cried Edward, turning as an arrow struck his shoulder. Almost without thinking, Jard quickly spun around, tripping Edward. Suddenly, the corrupted knight was at a disadvantage, and he desperately scrabbled towards his horse.
"Sssst!" Another arrow wised right past his ear. Edward lunged for his horse and whipped it, barely holding on. The powerful horse galloped away just before Edward could get in reach.
"Jard! What happened? Are you okay?" cried Jard's best friend, Peter.
"I'm fine, just give me a second." Replied Jard.
"Your face! You're not fine, there's a pool of blood. Here take my shirt." Peter tired to pull his shirt off, but it got stuck at his head. Disparately, he tried to yank the sweaty cloth off. He eventually pulled it off, revealing a hefty white stomach. He proceeded to to rap it around Jard's face, but soon realized he needed more. He desperately glanced around...then his eyes turned to his pants. Peter continued to sloppily bandage Jard with his trousers. Only a small amount of blood trickled from Jard where he didn't have the resources to bandage him. Peter reached for his undermost garment.
"Peter stop! I...I'm fine, just get me a drink of water." Said Jard.
"Right away Jard, I will not fail you." promised Peter as he ran off, still in naught but his underwear. Jard's head hurt more than he could ever remember, but he couldn't help but smile at Peters undying loyalty.


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